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Business in Fethard 1837

There were 626 houses inhabited which were supplied with good water from the public pump situated most likely at the top of the Main street.

The Clashawley gave motion to two flour mills, constantly busy except in the dry weather, these mills were the principle trade of the town

The market was held on Saturdays but were of inferior importance with Fethard being in the vicinity of Clonmel.

Fairs were held on April 20th, the Friday before Trinity Sunday, September 7th and November 21st. The November Fair was the largest in the County for fat stock.

The town had become a great depot for the sale of Culm from the Slievardagh collieries,8 miles distant. It was calculated that 30,000 barrels or about 5,000 tons had been sold in a year.

A Tholsen Court in which the Sovereign ( head of the town) presided, and was assis
ted by 2 Burgesses, was held every 3 week. This court was for the recovery of debts within the Borough to any amount. The petty sessions were held generally on alternate Mondays, before the County Magistrates. A police force was stationed in the town also .

The School House, a good slated building, was erected at the expense of 325 pounds, of which 100 pounds was a grant from the Assoc. for Discountenancing Vice, and Mr Barton donated 50 pounds. The site was part of the Glebe given by the Rector, Rev H Woodward. A national school chiefly supported by the Very Reverend M Laffan, and a school had been established by Mrs Barton, for females who were also taught spinning and needlework. At the time, there were 9 private schools, a charitable loaf fund and a dispensary.

There were extensive barracks occupied by infantry.

The quarries at that time covered 1524 statute acres where very fine limestone was quarried, the stone took a fine polish, and was used for tombstones and other purposes.

There were 3962 inhabitants of which 3400 were in the town and liberties.

A Presbyterian Church was erected in Burke Street in 1739.

A ring was found, during the removing of some stones, from one of the falling gateway towers, with the inscription No Frende To Faythe.

A mineral spring runs at Market Hill, and a subterraneous stream at Kiltinan.. .


This site is maintained by Joe Kenny, Rocklow Road, Fethard, Co. Tipperary, Ireland.