Died Recently in Thurles The death has occurred on April 5, 2020, of Margaret 'Peggy' Roche (née Kenny), Boheravoroon, Thurles, and formerly Drumdeel, Grove, Fethard, Peacefully, after a short illness in the wonderful care of the staff of University Hospital Limerick.
Peggy, predeceased by her daughter Mary, will be sadly missed by her loving family, devoted husband Allen, daughter Gemma, sons Frank, Mark and Brendan, grandson Steven, sister Kathleen (Craddock), nephews, nieces, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, relatives, neighbours and many friends. May She Rest In Peace.
Due to government restrictions a Private Family Funeral Mass will take place in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles, on Wednesday, April 8, at 2pm. The Mass can be viewed online at thurlesparish.ie Condolences can be left online by CLICKING HERE. Family flowers only, donations, if desired, to a charity of your choice.
Munster Arts - promoting awareness of emerging artists
Munster Arts are presently promoting awareness of emerging artists. We have run a few programmes over the years in Fethard, Co Tipperary. The six county councils in Munstera have also agreed to promote the event through their newsletters. Munster colleges, art groups etc have been informed of this event which will take place on May 18th and 19th. The deadline for entries is May 1st, 2020.
Died Recently in Clonmel Our sympathy to Geraldine McCarthy, Kerry Street, Fethard, on the death of her sister, Carol Corboy (nee Dennehy), Inislounaght, Marlfield Road, Clonmel, and formerly Abbey Road, Clonmel.
Carol passed away, peacefully at home, on Saturday afternoon, April 4, 2020, surrounded by her loving family. Beloved wife and mother, she will be sadly missed by her husband Donal, sons David, Kevin and Simon, daughters Nicola and Danielle, grandchildren Conor, Christopher and Callum, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, son-in-law, daughters-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended family and friends.
A private Funeral Mass will be held in St Mary’s Church, Irishtown, Clonmel, on Monday. April 6. The Funeral Mass may be viewed online at www.churchservices.tv/clonmel at 12 noon. Burial will take place afterwards in St Patrick’s Cemetery, Clonmel. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h-Anam Dílis
Carol’s family understands and appreciates that people would like to offer condolences. For those who would have liked to attend the Funeral Mass but due to current restrictions cannot, please leave a message by CLICKING HERE. Thank you for your co-operation and understanding at this difficult time. May she rest in peace.
Jimmy O'Sullivan speaks on Tipp FM
‘Busy but manageable’ is how a local pharmacist is describing business at the moment.
Jimmy O’Sullivan of O’Sullivan’s Pharmacy in Fethard says people have been very good about keeping social distance in their store and measures have been put in place to help with that. Speaking to Tipp FM he said they’re encouraging people to call them if they need anything:
Fethard Senior Citizens' Club Notice
Fethard Senior Citizens’ Club will NOT be meeting until the current Covid 19 virus has ended. Our Easter Raffle is also postponed until further notice (please pass on the message to those members not on the internet).
Meanwhile, to remain healthy – please 'STAY AT HOME', use your phone to order your food and medication, Fethard Community Support Delivery Service will deliver to your door.
Tipperary County Council Service provision
From Wednesday, April 1, Tipperary County Council is providing a contact number 0761 06 5000 and email covid19@tipperarycoco.ie with the lines open from 8am to 8pm seven days a week. This initiate was a request from Minister Eoghan Murphy TD that each Local Authority establishes and coordinates a community response.
Furthermore the business community are also coming to the fore in this time of crisis and are being extremely supportive and creative in addressing such challenging times and again we wish to work with them to ensure a coordinated effort. In this respect the Council are asking in particular Grocery Shops, Pharmacists and Home Heating Fuel Providers to register on the section of the Council’s website dedicated to Covid19 Information.
Our Offices are currently closed to members of the public until further notice, with the exception of some very limited public access, strictly by appointment for certain housing/homeless services.
We are currently acting as an agency to match the requirements of older and vulnerable people with the many services available in the community. To request assistance from the community response team, call 0761 06 5000 or click here to complete the request form.
In the event of an emergency in the following services, out of hours please contact:
Roads Tel: 1890 923 948;
Housing (Emergency Electrical and Plumbing issues only) Tel: 1890 923 948
Fethard & District Day Care Centre
We would like to advise all our senior citizens to adhere to the following recommended cocooning measures for all who are at risk:
Strictly avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of COVID-19. These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough.
Do not leave your house.
Do not attend any gatherings. This includes gatherings of friends and families in private spaces for example family homes, weddings and religious services.
Do not go out for shopping and, when arranging food or medication deliveries, these should be left at the door to minimise contact.
Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media.
Do use telephone or online services to contact your GP or other essential services.
Ensure you keep phones/devices charged, and have credit on your phone so that you can stay connected.
Fethard & Killusty Art & Handwriting
These are some photos from the recent Fethard & Killusty area, Art and Handwriting finals. Well done to everybody that took part in the recent events. Due to the current situation regarding the Corona Virus community games are at a standstill like everyone else. We have no idea what the next step will be but the main thing is stay safe everybody and take care of each other.
Medallists in Art & Handwriting attending Holy Trinity NS Fethard. Back L to R: Kelly Quinlan, Noreen Sheehy (Leader), Bella Collins, Megan Lyons, Conor Prendergast, Peggy Colville (Leader) and Eoghan Neville. Front L to R: Sam Walsh, Mary Kate Deegan, Fionn O'Meara.
Competitors from Killusty National School that won medals at the Community Games Handwriting Finals. L to R: Emily Holohan (bronze ), Aaron Feery (gold), Zoe Thompson (gold) and Joe Purcell (gold).
Competitors attending Killusty National School who won medals in Art. Back L to R: Laura Coonan, Isobel Holohan, Kate Gaule, Zoe Thompson. Front L to R :Emily Holohan, Sarah Moore, Grace Coen, Joseph Gaule, Sam Coen, Joe Purcell and Aaron Feery.
Competitors from Moyglass who won medals in Art & Handwriting. L to R: Harry Kelly who collected a silver medal on behalf of his sister in U8 Art; Mary Kate Fogarty (gold), Noreen Sheehy (Leader); Nikki Hayes (silver), Matthew Ledger (bronze in Art); and Olivia Ledger (silver in Handwriting).
Oisin McAndrew, Fethard, winner of a gold medal in Art.
'Lockdown' by Brother Richard Hendrick
A stirring poem penned by a Capuchin Franciscan brother in Ireland is giving respite to millions of people worldwide who are in lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Richard Hendrick, a friar in the Roman Catholic order, shared the poem on Facebook on March 13, as Ireland announced stringent new measures to combat the spread of the virus. It acknowledges the 'fear' and 'isolation' of the global public health crisis that has now killed more than 37,000 people. It goes on to remind readers, however, that there “does not have to be hate” or “loneliness.”
Fethard & Killusty Community Lotto The numbers drawn on Wednesday, March 25, were: 7, 8, 10 and 17. There was no jackpot winner and no Match Three winner so the following drawn tickets received €50 each: Anna Cooke, St. Patrick's Place, Fethard; Jimmy Connolly, Main Street, Fethard; and John O'Meara (online ticket).
The following three ‘Lucky Dip’ winners received €50 each: Ann Hahassy, Woodvale Walk, Fethard; Eileen Ryan, Friarsgrange, Fethard; Noel and Bob Maher, Barrack Street, Fethard. Lotto postponed until further notice Thank you for your continued support. Please note that our Lotto is now postponed until further notice due to the present COVID-19 situation. All your tickets will resume as normal when it is safe to start up again. Stay safe and hopefully we will be able to resume in the near future.
Great Response for Covid-19 Support volunteers The Fethard Community Covid-19 Support Group are delighted with the response for volunteers to help with the community delivery service started this morning, Monday, March 30, to support vulnerable people and people at risk, to stay in their own homes and have essential supplies from local grocery, butcher and pharmacy stores delivered to their doors by community volunteers.
We are happy to report that deliveries started this morning and it may take some days to see where deliveries are most in demand. We will be in touch with the present volunteers when needed. In the meantime we would like anyone with family or relatives that are at risk and are unaware of this service that you give them a call and let them know. We will have printed leaflets available in the post office and participating shops, or alternatively you DOWNLOAD A PRINTABLE VERSION HERE and print it off and deliver/post it to those concerened. We are very greatful for your cooperation and support at this time of need in our community. Keep safe!
We also include a download link to the HSE's very helpful Covit-19 Information Booklet that has very valuable information to help us through this challenging time. DOWNLOAD HERE
Areas covered:
Coronavirus Prayer
Healing Lord, be with us at this time of anxiety, uncertainty and solidarity as we confront the coronavirus.
Bless those who lead and guide us at this time.
Be with us in our attempts to control and curtail this silent enemy of our health, well-being and daily routine.
Protect the medical staff and frontline workers and all who put themselves at risk in helping others.
Touch with your healing love all who have succumbed to this illness and restore them to their families and communities.
Be with those who have died from the virus. May they find rest and peace in your eternal embrace.
Above all give us a sense of unity, co-operation and solidarity in our common struggle. In all our efforts may we know the power and strength of your loving presence.
May Our Lady, health of the sick and comforter of the afflicted, who knew pain and suffering in her life, be our strength and protection.
St. Patrick, pray for us.
St. Brigid, Pray for us.
St. Roch, Pray for us.
Excercising 2km from your home
The Irish government have implemented further social restrictions in an effort to combat Covid-19. Any non-essential movement beyond your home is limited to a 2km radius for exercise.
This BOUNDARY MAP (click to enlarge) below will give you an idea of a 2km radius from Fethard Town Centre. To get an exact idea of 2km from your own home there is also an online site that will show you the radius from your home by draging a pin to your exact location on the map for a precise measurement from your door. FIND YOUR OWN AREA TO EXCERCISE
If the map doesn't show; enable location services on your phone and for your browser, allow the site permission to your access your location.
Contact local Garda if you need help
If you have any concerns for the elderly or vulnerable people living alone or yourself, please contact An Garda Siochana at Clonmel at any time Tel: (052) 6177640. You may also contact local Garda Shane O’Neill at Fethard Station on Mobile: 085 8859244.
Faces and Places from the Past
The following are a selection of photographs of faces and places taken in our locality that may bring back memories to many of our readers and visitors to fethard.com Please send any comments or photo information, names and event, to fethardnews@gmail.com
Remember a time when one could freely go for a drink at any time you choose – the pubs were open – and no such thing as 'maintaining a social distance of 2 meters', well here are some photographs from a time that was quite the opposite in Fethard, back in February 2001.
McCarthys Bar, February 26, 2001. L to R: Suzanna Manton, Philip Carroll, Mary Carroll and Maureen Maher
McCarthys Bar, February 26, 2001. L to R: Pat McDonnell, Marie Holohan, Marjorie Ahearne, Mary Hanrahan and Jimmy O'Sullivan.
McCarthys Bar, February 26, 2001. L to R: Finola Horan, Pat White, Austin Godfrey, Mary Godfrey, Donal Leahy and Tess Leahy.
McCarthys Bar, February 26, 2001. L to R: Ger Manton, Kate Phelan, Eamon Phelan, Sally Hayes and Jimmy Hayes.
McCarthys Bar, February 26, 2001. L to R: Philip de Coursey, Conor McGuire, ?, ?, John Ward and Liza Ward.
McCarthys Bar, February 26, 2001. L to R: Sean Ryan, Assumpta Coffey, Niall Hickey and Annette Hickey.
McCarthys Bar, Fethard, February 26, 2001. L to R: Rita Kenny, Mary Delahunty, Helena Delany and Martha Sheehan.
McCarthys Bar, Fethard, February 26, 2001. L to R: Frank Wyatt and Jack Moclair.
McCarthys Bar, Fethard, February 26, 2001. L to R: Noel Morrissey and Eoin Whyte.
For Facebook members, many of these photos are also published on Fethard Faces and Places from the Past page. This Facebook page is used for sharing old Fethard photographs with members of the group and is open to anyone interested in joining.
Fethard News
Items for inclusion on this website and on the weekly Fethard News page on The Nationalist can be emailed before noon on Mondays to fethardnews@gmail.com or delivered by hand to Joe Kenny, Rocklow Road, Fethard.
This site is maintained by Joe Kenny, Rocklow Road, Fethard, Co. Tipperary, Ireland.
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