Fethard Choral Society

Members of Fethard Choral Society, photographed with musical director Ann Barry, at rehearsal. The choir took part in the Limerick Choral Festival at St. Augustine's Church, Limerick, on March 4, where they came first in the Church Choirs’ Competition (Unison).
On Saturday, March 4, Fethard Choral Society, under musical director Ann Barry, took part in the Limerick Choral Festival at St. Augustine's Church, Limerick where they came first in the Church Choirs’ Competition (Unison). The choir sang ‘Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven’, which was the set piece and the traditional Irish hymn, ‘Fáilte Romhat a Rí na nAingeal’. The choir are now rehearsing for the New Ross Choral Festival which will be held at the end of May.
Heartsaver Programme – new volunteers wanted
A meeting will be held in the Tirry Centre on Monday, March 20, at 7pm, to update and re-launch the Fethard AED/ Heartsaver programme. We need to train new instructors and update the skills of our first responders. No prior medical or nursing knowledge is required and we would welcome participants from all the local sporting bodies. Please make every effort to attend.
The Irish Heart Foundation’s Heartsaver AED Course teaches you the basic techniques of how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). An AED is a computerised defibrillator which analyses the heart rhythm of a person in cardiac arrest and uses voice prompts to advise you if a shock is needed. The AED is an important link in the chain of survival and this course teaches you how to use them effectively.
Community Games swimming results

Medal winners at the Community Games County Swimming Finals L to R: Ronan O’Meara, William Colville, Mark O’Meara and Patrick Colville.
Fethard and Killusty Community Games once again enjoyed success at the County Swimming Finals, that took place in Thurles on Sunday last, March 12. Brothers Ronan and Mark O’Meara, Redcity, won gold medals, and Isobel Maher, who just turned 12 years old, won silver for the second successive year after a super swim over 50 meters in the U14 Butterfly event. Isobel led her opponents for every metre of the swim and was just deprived of victory by the narrowest of margins while Aoibheann Collum and the Byrne sisters, Freya and Ines, qualified in their heats.

Fethard girls displaying their area medals won after participating in the Community Games Swimming finals in Thurles L to R: Freya Byrne, Ines Byrne, Isobel Maher and Aoibheann Collum.
Mark and Ronan now head for the National Finals in Abbotstown in May. The Colville brothers, Patrick and William from Railstown, won gold and silver medals representing Cashel-Rosegreen. Complete swimming results and photographs may be viewed on www.tipperarycommunitygames.com
This Wednesday, March 15, is the closing date for entries in Art and Handwriting. Gymnastics will take place in Monroe Sports complex on March 26. Well done to all competitors.
Junk Kouture success for Fethard

Fethard’s winning team, ‘The Lone Rhino’, that qualified for the national Junk Kouture finals in Dublin which will be held on April 27. The costume was prepared and presented by Amy Roach (left) and Dillon Costin (right) and modelled by Juan Ortega Otera (centre).
Congratulations to Fethard Patrician Presentation Secondary School’s entry ‘The Lone Rhino’ that qualified for the The Junk Kouture Final to take place in the Three Arena on Thursday, April 27, 2017.
Both Fethard teams performed excellently at the regional finals held in University Concert Hall in Limerick on March 10. Team 'Amours Reign' was prepared and presented by Noelle O’Meara and Lucy White, and modelled by Amy Byrne. Team ‘The Lone Rhino’ was prepared and presented by Dillon Costin and Amy Roach, and modelled by Juan Ortega Otera.
Eighty-four costumes were modelled on the night with the judges picking nineteen to go forward to the Grand Final in Dublin. The 20th place is chosen as a 'Wild Card', with The Junk Kouture team coming to your school and presenting the final costume that will go forward. So fingers crossed for team ‘Amours Reign’, and congratulations and well done again to Juan, Amy and Dillon and ‘The Lone Rhino’.
Daffodil Day on March 24
Our Daffodil Day Coffee Morning will take place again this year in the Town Hall, Fethard on Friday, March 24, from 9am to 12pm. Daffodils and Daffodil Day Merchandise will be available for sale in the Town Hall and throughout the town that morning. This is a great event, for a very worthwhile cause, with much of the money raised going towards cancer research. Last years event was a great success and your support would be very much appreciated again this year.
Fethard Athletic Club
Another great day at the office for Fethard AC chairman Bernard Feery with his magnificent run in the 40th Ballycotton 10 Mile Road Race in Co. Cork, on Sunday last, March 12, on the heels of his great performance at the National Masters in Athlone the previous Sunday. Killusty man Feery had a third place finish in this very prestigious race down on the Cork seaside town out of a huge field of over 2,000 athletes, with 85 alone in his age group. Well done Bernard.
At training last week we had a little bit of a party to celebrate our re-entry to juvenile athletics, and their decent performance displayed in Nenagh. Training will continue in the Community Field at 7pm on Monday nights.
At the present time we have a presence in the local schools giving limited athletic training and hopefully looking forward to an influx of children to our club in the near future. All athletes must now have registration fees paid to continue their training with us. Community Games athletics will shortly be on us and we would like to strengthen our input in this event. Our annual ‘Walls of Fethard’ run will be in May this year and now is a good a time as any to start training for it. Hope to see ye all at training!
Died Recently
The death has occurred on Wednesday, March 15, 2017, of Bridget ‘Bonny’ Whyte (née Anglim),
Willow Park, Clonmel, and formerly of Ballyvadlea, Drangan, peacefully at Bramleigh Lodge Nursing Home, Cahir. Sadly missed by her son Jonathan, daughter Joan, sisters Joan and Tess, God-daughter Yvonne, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, extended family, relatives and many friends. May she rest in peace.
Reposing at McCarthy's Funeral Home, Fethard, on Friday March 17, from 6pm to 8pm. Funeral Mass in the Church of the Visitation, Cloneen, on Saturday, March 18, at 11am followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery. Family flowers only. Donations, if desired, to the Alzheimers Society, Clonmel.
Social dancing at Fethard Ballroom
Dancing at Fethard Ballroom on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, to ‘Checkers’ and on the following Sunday Night, March 19, to the music of ‘Adrian Ryan’. All welcome to come along and enjoy a great night’s entertainment and social dancing from 9pm to midnight. Admission is €8 which includes tea and cakes.
Up for the Match!

‘Up for the match’ - Michael Sheehan and Martin Cuddihy photographed at the Tipperary double-header in Semple Stadium last Sunday
Fethard & Killusty Anglers
Fethard and Killusty Anglers AGM for 2017 was held on Friday, March 3, in the Tirry Community Hall in Fethard. Officers elected were Tom Fogarty (chairman), Seán Maher (secretary) and Colm Hackett (treasurer).
There was a good attendance at the meeting and we were delighted to have Dr Alan Moore with us to give an overview of the OPW's proposed flood relief proposals for Fethard town. Alan was extremely enlightening in his synopsis of the OPW proposals, and more importantly the submissions that have been made to the OPW on behalf of the local organisations in Fethard, which have some excellent alternate proven solutions. Fethard and Killusty Anglers are one of those groups that have made a submission.
The annual competition date is set for Sunday, April 2, so please mark this date in your calendar. This is a very special year for the club as it will be the first time in its history to host the Munster Juvenile River Championships in April.
River bank cleaning at Thorny Bridge is organised for Sunday, March 12, meeting at 10am. Anyone wishing to join the club can contact Colm Hackett at 086 8397868 or Seán Maher at 085 7050580 for membership. The fishing we have is an invaluable resource and is only possible due to the kind permission of all the landowners, so please respect the land, fencing, and livestock, every time you venture out. Tight lines for the 2017 season.
Pre-Baptism meeting
The next Pre-Baptism meeting will take place in the Tirry Community Centre on Wednesday, April 19, at 7.30pm, for parents who wish to have their child baptised during the following weeks. Meetings are held subject to demand. Please contact Fr. Tom Breen P.P. prior to attending. Tel: (052) 6131178.
Tipperary Rangers gathering

Group photographed at the monument in Noan, Ballinure, to pay tribute to their friends of yesteryear that resided in the area and played with the New Tipperary Rangers hurling and football teams
On Saturday last, March 11, the faithful gathered at the monument in Noan, Ballinure, to pay tribute to the friends of yesteryear that resided in the area and helped establish a vibrant community and safe environment for children to grow up in. The New Tipperary Rangers hurling and football teams were the main sporting activity at the time and gave many hours of free recreation to the populace in a time of limited travel and diversion. Cars were few and far between at that time so home grown sport was the order of the day. A feeling of security and a dependence on community spirit was needed to strengthen our resolve in those years and the blue and white jersey made this all the easier with the camaraderie that was instilled into these teams.
The often quoted lines, ‘there’s no place like home’, being the reason for our mustering last weekend, will hopefully bring together our people and establish a new love for this beautiful oasis of green between Ballinure Village and Laffansbridge. During the short ceremony, many references were made to the great people who lived in our midst and their help and ever-giving generosity to the community.
A decade of the Rosary was then recited after which, we ventured back to the Shamrock Hall in Ballinure and had light refreshments compliments of the social committee, where stories were recalled and old and new friends, mingled for the chat. Tiobraid Árann Abú.
Fethard & Killusty Community Lotto
The numbers drawn on March 8, were: 9, 12, 31 and 32. There was no jackpot winner and no ‘Match Three’ winner so the following drawn tickets received €50 each: Kathy Aylward, c/o Friendship Club; Noreen Allen, Cashel Road, Fethard; and Brian Sheehy, Garrinch, Fethard.
The following three ‘Lucky Dip’ winners received €50 each: Ursula Lawrence, Woodvale Walk, Fethard; Pat Hayes, Lurgor, Killenaule; and Tanya Lawrence, Woodvale Walk, Fethard.
Next week’s draw takes place on Wednesday, March 15. The Jackpot is €10,000 and the Jackpot seller’s prize is €1,000. All proceeds go towards community projects in Fethard, and we thank you for your on-going support.
GAA Sports Development Lotto
The numbers drawn on Friday, March 10, were 6, 18, 22 and 31. There was no jackpot winner and one match three winner who received €100: Anna Lynch, c/o Ladies Football Club. Two €25 Luck Dip winners won €25 each: Maureen Whyte, Main Street, Fethard; and Roisín O'Connor, Cahir.
The next draw takes place on Friday, March 17, when the jackpot is €20,000 and the sellers prize is €1,000. Fethard GAA / Sports Centre Development Lotto would like to thank all our supporters, far and near, who participate in our weekly lotto draw to promote sport in our community.
Fethard Faces and Places from the Past
The following are a selection of photographs recently added to the Fethard Faces and Places from the Past page on Facebook, also published here
for the benefit of our readers who are not on Facebook. The Facebook page is used for sharing old Fethard photographs with other members of the group and is open to all interested in joining. Send any comments or photo information to fethardnews@gmail.com

Fethard Festival in the GAA Field with all the 'Glamorous Grannies' lining up to be interviewed (June 1984)

Fancy Dress 'At The Derby' Fethard Festival June 1984

Fancy Dress 'Milk's The One!' Fethard Festival June 1984

Fancy Dress 'The Tallaght By-Pass' Fethard Festival June 1984

Fancy Dress ‘The Smurfs visit Fethard Parade' Fethard Festival June 1984

Marion (McCarthy) O'Connor at the Fethard Festival baby show (June 1984)

Eddie and Mary Sheehan at the Fethard Festival baby show (June 1984)

Fancy Dress 'Boy George Comes to Town' by Wendy Allen at Fethard Festival June 1984

Fancy Dress 'Indian Chief' Fethard Festival June 1984

Fancy Dress – a bit of Irish Culture from Kerry Street at the Fethard Festival June 1984
Fethard News
Items for inclusion on this website and on the weekly Fethard News page on The Nationalist can be emailed before noon on Mondays to news@fethard.com or delivered by hand to Joe Kenny, Rocklow Road, Fethard.
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