Ireland's Original Culchie Festival will take place in Fethard next weekend and the buzz in town is beginning to start as the locals prepare for the annual invasion of Culchies and their supporters. To see a selection of this years contestants CLICK HERE
In the senior football championship last weekend we had a most energy sapping county quarterfinal played over 60 minutes under ideal conditions in Cashel on Saturday 19th where we played a Houdini act to secure a replay the following day. The scoreline was Fethard 1-7 (0-3) to Galtee Rovers 0-10 (0-4). The team was: P. Fitzgerald, Michael Ahearne, D. Byrne, J. O’Meara, W. Morrissey, C. Maher, S. O’Donnell, G. Burke, K. Byrne, B. Coen 0-1, W. O’Meara, J.P. Looby, C. Maher 0-3 (2f), Miceál Spillane 0-1, C Allen 1-1. Subs were: Michael Dillon 0-1 and T. Anglim.
At the replay played on Sunday 20th in Cashel under atrocious conditions, Fethard emerged winners on a scoreline Fethard 0-7 (0-3), to Galtee Rovers 0-6 (0-5). The team was: P Fitzgerald, Michael Ahearne, D. Byrne, W. Morrissey, W. O’Meara, G. Burke 0-1, Cian Maher, S. O’Donnell, J.P. Looby 0-1, Ken Byrne, B. Coen 0-1, Carl Maher 0-2f, Miceál Spillane 0-1, Colin Allen 0-2. Sub used was Michael Dillon. We have now qualified for the county semifinal where our opponents are Aherlow, the team we last met in the county league and championship finals in 2001.
The intermediate hurling south final against Cahir should take place this coming Sunday 27th October. Check sports fixtures on Nationalist.
The lotto jackpot of €5,900 was not won We had 6 ‘match threes’ who received €25 each: O’Shea Family (Woodvale Walk), T. Quinn, Stoke (Rossmore, Cashel), Eamon Drea (Strylea), Ann Hahessy (34 Woodvale Walk), Abymill Theatre, c/o Austy O'Flynn (Burke St), Conor Spillane, c/o Gleesons Quarry (Thurles). The €50 lucky dip winner was John Butler (Garrinch).
We record the death of Jack Ryan, Fr. Tirry Park, and formerly of Kerry Street, who died on Thursday 17th October. Remains left McCarthy's Funeral Parlour at 7pm on Friday 18th October for Holy Trinity Church Fethard. Burial took place at Calvary Cemetery following 11am Mass on Saturday.
The numbers drawn on Tuesday 15th October were 4, 8, 11 and 23. There was no Jackpot Winner and three "Match 3" winners who received €50 each:
Rebecca, Sean, Thomas, 5 Slievenamon Close, Fethard.
Michael Moloney, graystown, Killenaule.
Michael Russell, Drangan, Thurles.
The three €50 Free Draw winners were:
Anne Maher, Ballagh Road, Clonoulty, Cashel.
Alfie Brett, Rocklow Road, Fethard.
Marcella Lonergan, Grove Road, Fethard.
This week's Jackpot remains at €10,000 and the Sellers Prize for the winning jackpot ticket is now €620.
The annual church gate collection in aid of the Fethard & Killusty Emigrants Newsletter will take place on the October Bank Holiday Weekend, 26th and 27th October. We ask for your support to help fund the printing and postage of over 1000 Newsletters delivered free of charge to our emigrants throughout the world. The postage cost alone of each Newsletter delivered outside Europe is €4. If you would like your donation acknowledged in this years Newsletter (we will acknowledge donations of €10 or more), please put your donation in an envelope with your name and address included and hand it in at the Church Gate Collection or deliver to Carmel Rice, Brookhill, Fethard. We would like to remind you to hand in new or changed addresses to Joe Kenny, Rocklow Road, Fethard. This is very important to avoid unnecessary wastage of postage and newsletters sent to out-of-date addresses.
Articles and photographs for inclusion in this year’s Annual Emigrant’s Newsletter are invited and should be submitted as soon as possible to Joe Kenny, Rocklow Road, Fethard. Please have articles typed if possible or sent by email to the following address:
Fethard made a quick start, scoring from the kick-off. James Kelly received the ball on from well in his own half and attacked Nenagh on his won weaving his way through only to come up against their full-back. Even that wasn’t going to stop him and James sold a lovely dummy to score a quick try in the first seconds of the game. Fethard never looked in any danger from then on. Andrew Yates linked with Shane Kavanagh to score another try and Fethard went on to win 6 tries to 3. Other scorers were Shamie O’Keeffe, J.P. McGrath, Joe Kelly and Dave Gorey.
One aspect of the Fethard game needs attention and that is their discipline, as talking back to the referee let Nenagh get two tries from penalties. The team was: J.P. McGrath, David Gorey, David Hall, Colm Blackmore, Seamie O’Keeffe, Josh Halley, Joe Kelly, Shane Kavanagh, Andrew Yeats, Paul Tierney, William Power, William Grassick, Mike O’Hagan and Sam Manton.
The bridge results for 9th October for sponsored prizes are:
1st Gross: Kay St. John and Rita Kane
2ndGross: Brigid Gorey and Betty Walsh
1st Nett: Bridie Lee and Mike Burke
2ndNett: Joan Kelly and Ann Ryan
Anyone looking for a partner contact Annie O'Brien 31862.
Twenty members of Fethard Youth Club travelled to Annacarty on Friday night last to the Regional Table Quiz and landed a third place position, well done to Skinny (Phillip) Ryan, Russell O'Meara, Chris Whyte and Laura (on loan from the Cappamore Youth Club). The marks on the night were extremely high with 60 being top marks and the winning table scoring 57. There was a tie for second place on 55 points and the lads scored an amazing 53 points, well done. Our other four tables came close behind with the marks all being in the 50's.
A big thank you must go to Tony Askins for driving the bus on the night, well-done Bull. Hail to the bus driver!
The under/10 football competition was played on Sunday last in Cahir under some really bad weather conditions, but the boys in blue did their club proud once again and are now into the final against Clonmel Commercials in their round of games.
Their first game was played against Cahir, where they showed their strength and determination and came away with a walkover win. Their next game was against Clonmel Commercials, who had a fair win over Fethard. The last game was against Moyle Rovers and once again the boys in blue showed what they were made of and came away with a great win.
There were some great displays by all players but in particular Ronan Fitzgerald, Kieran O'Connell and outstanding in goal for Fethard was Colm Shanahan Good luck to the boys for the next round and go on out there and show what you can do!
Training continues on Wednesday evenings at 6.30pm. Hurling Training on Mondays at 6 pm
The death has occurred on Monday 14th October of Tony Synnott, Clane, Co. Kildare. Tony is a brother of Mrs Phyllis McDonnell, The Square, Fethard, and visited Fethard regularly from the age of twelve. The death has occurred in London of Mr James ‘Jimmy’ Danagher, formerly of Sparagoleith, Rocklow Road, Fethard. Interment took place in London.

Moyne was the venue for the AAI county underage cross-country championships held last weekend. Twenty-seven athletes from the club competed in the event with great success. Fethard’s top performance on the day came from Gregory Henry (photographed above) who won the boys under-9 title with a superb display of cross-country running. Other individual medal winners were John Lalor who took silver in the boys under-11 race; Shane Gorey who won the boys under-13 silver medal on his return from injury; and the ever dependable Mary Gleeson who was bronze medallist in the girls under-13 race. Fethard also scored well in the team competition with the girls under-11 team of Hannah Trehy, Aisling O’Connor, Michelle Ryall and Roisín Trehy taking the bronze medals.

Photographed in Moyne are L to R: Ryan Laslett, Conor Prendergast, Lolo Trehy, Michael Costello, Shane Gorey, Kevin Quigley and Ben Walsh
The boys under-13 team of Shane Gorey, Lolo Trehy, Conor Prendergast and Ben Walsh also took bronze. The girls under-13 team went one better by capturing the silver medals, losing out on gold by a mere two points. The team was Mary Gleeson, Elaine Kennedy, Ciara O’Connor and Aoife O’Connor.

Photographed above are L to R: Mary Gleeson, Aoife O'Connor, Ciara O'Connor and Elaine Kennedy
Other top ten finishers on the day were: Owen Healy, 10th in the boys under-11; Hannah Trehy 6th in the girls under-11; Elaine Kennedy, 4th in the girls under-13; Aoife O’Gorman, 4th in the girls under-15; and Wayne Laslett with an excellent 7th in the boys under-15 event.
The full team representing the club on the day was: Fiona O’Connor, Gregory Henry, Brendan Gleeson, Ciarán O’Connor, Aisling Dwyer, Sarah McManus, Roisín Trehy, Michelle Ryall, Aisling O’Connor, Hannah Trehy, John Lalor, Owen Healy, Louis Rice, Noel O’Brien, Aisling Brown, Kate O’Brien, Siobhán O’Brien, Bernadette Costello, Aoife O’Connor, Ciara O’Connor, Elaine Kennedy, Mary Gleeson, Ryan Laslett, Michael Costello, Ben Walsh, Conor Prendergast, Lolo Trehy, Shane Gorey, Aoife O’Gorman and Wayne Laslett.
Our next club outing is to Ballynonty for the even age championships on Sunday 27th October. This race incorporates the A and B competition so all athletes have something to aim for in this event.

L to R: Noel O'Brien, Brendan Gleeson and Louis Rice
Robbery in all forms is, unfortunately, too commonplace in the times we live in. A recent Fethard robbery has however, caused widespread condemnation locally. Two, who were described as non-nationals, called to the home of Denis ‘Dinny’ O’Brien, Tirry Park. Distracting his attention while making a doorstep sale, they succeeded in stealing his wallet. Dinny, a most inoffensive and quiet living man would be one of our most vulnerable citizens in this regard.
Elderly people, especially living alone, should at all times be most wary of such callers. Never leave them alone if they request a drink of water or some other ruse, also never allow the excuse of wanting to use the bathroom. The best remedy of all is not to open the door to these people on any account. The late Paddy McDonnell it would appear was correct and forth years before his time when he said Ireland is changing from the ‘Island of Saints and Scholars’ top the ‘Island of Rogues and Robbers’.
Best wishes to Pat Carroll who has opened a picture gallery and framing service at Main Street. Pat’s gallery displays beautiful prints, many of hunting and racing scenes, most appropriate in Fethard.
The annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service will take place in the Holy Trinity Church of Ireland, Main Street, on this Friday night, October 18, at 8pm. Special preacher is Rev Fr Jerry Horan OSA, Prior Augustinian Abbey, Fethard. Refreshments served afterwards.
A recent report in The Nationalist from the County Waterford village of Touraneena on the successful appearance of their racquetball players in provincial and All-Ireland racquetball competitions makes us wander what has gone wrong in Fethard. The Fethard Club, one of the pioneers of the sport in County Tipperary, has produced All-Ireland champions and international players Bobbi Holohan and Catherine Morrissey, and hosted the Munster Open Racquetball Championships. Currently, Fethard Racquetball Club has neither a team nor an individual player competing at any level. The same could also be said of tennis at local level. What has gone wrong?
Having first hand experience of “been there and done that”, it is our humble opinion that what is lacking is a driving force of one or two individuals to revive both games. The facilities at Fethard Sports Centre for both games are second to none. There is no better method of keeping fit and developing ones reflexes than playing in the 40’x20’ handball / racquetball indoor courts. Surely there must be someone out there to ignite the spark!
Mr Kevin Collins in his most interesting wild life column in The Nationalist referred to the variety of bird life to be seen on the lower reaches of the Clashawley River between the Convent and Coffey Bridges. The commonly called Water Wagtail, Dipper, Kingfisher are some of the birds noticed. Jimmy Ryans geese, by now a much photographed tourist attraction, also receive honourable mention.
Above the Convent Bridge a heron regularly occupies his fishing position while a Moorhen swims with her clutch of young, now reduced from five to one probably by Mink, on a regular basis. Anyone prepared to watch and wait on the bridge, usually at late dusk on a summers night may also catch a glimpse of an otter, our least seen shy and exclusive animal as he patrols on his nocturnal fishing expedition. An otter within town boundaries is really an unusual sight.
Unfortunately, Mr Collins has seen fit, and rightly so, to comment on the litter thrown on the bank and in the river along the new walkway below Watergate Bridge.
Incidentally, the local name for the Dipper is ‘Ducky Diver’. This has aroused the interest of more than one ornithologist.
As we make our way along the river walk way, many do not see the beauty that’s around them. Take a closer look next time and you will be surprised on what you may learn.

Photographed at the presentation of certificates to participants who completed the recent First Aid Course organised by Fethard Red Cross are Back L to R: Marie Murphy, Aidan Lonergan, Margaret Tuohy, John Lanigan, Ruairi O Caisleain, Helen Guiry, Rosemary Lalor, Eileen Tobin, Mary Holohan, Ann Darcy, David Lawton, Marie Lanigan, Frank O’Donovan, Brian Guiry, Richard Cummins, Katie Murphy, Paddy Croke, Austin Kenny, Dermot Riordan. Front L to R: Darren Ryan, Carri Acheson, Maureen Guiry, Tony Lalor, Bridget Trehy, Frank Coffey, Mary Tierney, Jackie O’Gorman and Clodagh Barrett.
The 55th Autumn Flower & Horticultural Show takes place this year on Sunday 20th October in Fethard Ballroom. The Autumn Flower and Horticultural Show has taken place annually in Fethard for over half a century. Last year’s show had to be cancelled due to the prevailing ‘Foot and Mouth’ outbreak at that time. The organising committee are making every effort to ensure the success of this year’s venture and are fully confident that the ongoing support of exhibitors from a wide area and the general public will see Fethard Flower Show continue for many years to come.
The annual Original Culchie Festival takes place once again in Fethard on the bank-holiday weekend of 25th to 28th October. Eoin Whyte, Main Street, was selected to be the Fethard representative at the local Culchie selection heat at Bob Grants on Saturday night last.
Eoin had very strong competition for the title of Fethard Culchie and his success may be put in its proper prospective by the fact he was elected by one postal vote from County Kerry.
If you have an old photograph of interest to our readers why not email it to us and we will include it on next week's 'Pic of the Past'
The following photographs were sent to us by June Howard, New York. Joan's husband's great grandmother, Elizabeth Gleeson, married John Crean from Fethard. After he died she then married a John or Michael Connolly. Their daughter, Elizabeth Bridget Connolly, married Richard Carey and moved to the USA. They all came from Fethard except Carey, he came from Kilmallock.
This is a picture taken in 1935 - in N.Y.
Liz (Elizabeth) Crean, born in Fethard, in 1899 ( Jim Crean's sister), her aunt Marie Crean Quirk ( of Fethard) and Clara (Claire) Carey Howard and her 2 daughters.
This is a picture of Jim Crean of Fethard (died 1983), married Nora McCarthy. He is the nephew of Maria Crean Quirk (her brothers son).
This is an interesting picture of two Fethard girls who married two Fethard men. They came over on the boat together and remained friends until their death. Their descendants and our family are still continuing the friendship, like we were cousins!
Maria Crean Quirk is one, she married James Quirk, he was born in 1870.
Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, married Patrick J. Heffernan of Fethard.
This is Maria Crean Quirk with two of her great grand nieces, Marge and Claire Howard. Taken in Brewster, N.Y., in 1934.
This is a picture of Maria Crean, born in Fethard, on Nov. 28, 1869 and baptized in the church of Fethard. God parents were Pat Shea and Mary Ann Gleeson. Her parents were John Crean & Lizzy Hackett.
Noreen Higgins, author of 'Tipperary's Tithe War 1830-1838', will talk on that subject on Friday 18th October, at 8.30pm in the Abymill Theatre. As might be expected Fethard and Fethard people were' stuck in the middle of it, and Noreen Higgins, a teacher from West Tipperary, will concentrate in particular on the activities in this part of the county. The Tithe War was the name given to the resistance by the majority Catholic population to the payment of 'thites' which were official levees for the upkeep of the state church, The Church of Ireland, at that time. Things got quite nasty for a time and all in all it makes for a very interesting story indeed, especially since it has a big local connection to the Fethard area.